Gift Card via Email

Oops... Need a last-minute gift? No worries for your customers. They can simply purchase your digital gift card right on your website. Easily sorted with our order module and promptly delivered via email.

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Double-checked for Security

All our gift cards come with a unique code, even the ones sent via email. This ensures that each gift card can only be redeemed once, even if it's been forwarded multiple times. Rest assured, it's a fraud-free experience.

Got the gift card from JEU de boules bar right in my inbox. Awesome!

Digital = Ideal

Perfect for the shy admirer, the far-away celebrant, or the forgetful scatterbrain: a gift card via email is quite ideal indeed.

Looking Good!

The gift cards we create for you are fresh and visually appealing, including the digital ones. They're professionally designed as PDFs, completely in line with your brand style. Ready to be emailed, texted, or printed. Or even saved in your digital wallet. Curious?

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of all gift cards are ordered via email.

Go Digital

Over 60% of all gift cards are ordered digitally. It makes sense; they're universally accepted, and you've always got them handy on your smartphone. As a savvy business owner, it's a no-brainer to offer digital gift cards on your website. Because without them, you're missing out on potential customers. Fact.

Support is quick and still personal, always get an immediate response when I have a question.
Elvira Wilthagen | Eden Hotels

We've got Your Customers Covered

If your customer has a question or can't find their gift card, no worries. Our customer service will handle it all — via chat, email, WhatsApp, or phone. That's one less thing for you to worry about.


Want to know more
about email gift cards?

Sjon is your go-to guy for any questions, suggestions, or compliments.
Feel free to call, chat, text, or email him. He'd love to hear from you.


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